The DRA LUC understands that the City is considering a Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance application and a Development Permit with Variance application to install a new fence and gate at 836 Yates Street. The proposal requires a variance to the height of the fence. The DRA LUC has reviewed the applicant’s plans dated 27 Jan 2021 and letter to Development Services that are posted on the Development Tracker.
When Chard’s project at 848 Yates Street was approved, the City obtained a statutory right of way to expand and integrate with the existing through block walkway at 836 Yates; providing an upgraded community amenity. Safety concerns were addressed and a covenant was obtained to insure the security gates approved for that application remained open to the public between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
It is evident that this proposal does not meet the intent of the originally approved design, as what we have now are two separate unintegrated walkways that are closed to the public 24/7.
The developers of both properties made commitments to provide this small but significant public amenity and the community expects the City to ensure that it is fully executed and upheld as proposed.