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CALUC Letter re Chard Developments/University of Victoria – Rezoning for 1306-1424 Broad Street &#03

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

The OCP intentionally provides protection to the Old Town heritage conservation area through the prescribed density maximum of 3:1 FSR and maximum height of 15 meters. These numbers were not arrived at under arbitrary circumstances but were determined after a lengthy assessment and agreement of property owners, residents, the development industry and the City. This applicant seeks a significant reward in density well above the OCP maximums for a Heritage conservation strategy not recognized by our country’s national standards that will provide the maximum private gain for the developer and the minimum in public benefit.

Much like the business community, the DRA fully supports the construction of additional hotel rooms within the Old Town neighbourhood, which will no doubt enhance hospitality and retail business opportunities in the immediate area. The DRA would be happy to support an application on this property that truly respects the requirements of our National Heritage preservation standards and the OCP and does not set dangerous precedents that would further encourage both the destruction of heritage registry buildings and the undermining of the character defining density of Old Town.

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