In British Columbia, 20.5% of people between the ages of 15 and 64 live with a disability. Many people with disabilities cannot access products and services within their communities due to numerous barriers.
There are many different kinds of disabilities. They can be visible, hidden, permanent, temporary, intermittent, etc. By learning how to create and adapt a welcoming environment with equal access for persons with all types of disabilities, you are ensuring service for everyone.
Join us for a free training to increase your awareness of persons with disabilities and the barriers they face in the community.
Wednesday, February 28th - 6:30 to 8:00 pm - theDock (722 Cormorant Street, 3rd Floor)
Register for the training here.
The training will be facilitated by staff from the Victoria Disability Resource Centre. It was developed using Participatory Action Research methodology by persons with lived experience and is also delivered by persons with lived experience.
Topics covered will include:
Disability Overview (What is a disability, statistics, visible vs non-visible disabilities)
Medical vs Social Model of Disability
Unconscious Bias
Language Use & Terminology
General Guidelines and Tips for Positive Interaction
Representation & Inclusion
Please avoid wearing perfume, cologne or other scented products.
Accessibility details: The workshop will take place at theDock, on the 3rd floor of 722 Cormorant Street. Access to the 3rd floor is by elevator and the theDock has even floor throughout and a wheelchair accessible washroom, which is also gender-inclusive. There is on-street parking available on Cormorant Street, directly in front of the building. Additional parking is available in the Centennial Square Parkade (645 Fisgard Street). Bus tickets will be available for those who face financial barriers to attending. If you have questions about accessibility at the event, please email
We encourage those who are able to walk, cycle or take public transit to the event. The closest bus stops are on the west side of Douglas at Cormorant, on the east side of Douglas just south of Pandora, and on the north side of Pandora just west of Blanshard.
