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DRA AGM 2022

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

The DRA is the Voice of the Neighbourhood, share your voice and join us at the 2022 AGM

Tuesday, March 22 | 6PM – 8PM | Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The DRA is the Voice of the Neighbourhood, share your voice and join us at the 2022 AGM.

The Victoria Downtown Residents Association (DRA) invites you to our AGM 2022. At the AGM, you will learn about the DRA activities in 2021 and future plans. The AGM will be held via Zoom.

Meeting Details


  1. Guest Speaker: Joaquin Karakas, Senior Urban Designer, City of Victoria. Topic will be the Government Street Refresh project.

  2. DRA 2021-in-Review and the Strategic Plan for 2022

  3. Review of Financial Report & Budget

  4. Questions Regarding Committee reports

  5. Vote: Change in Bylaws

  6. Election of New Board Members


  • You will be sent a link to relevant documents and a Zoom link before the meeting.

  • You must be a DRA member and resident of the Downtown or Harris-Green Neighbourhoods in order to vote at the AGM.

  • Click for more details on the Government Street Refresh project. The Engagement Survey closes on March 20.

Notice of DRA By-Law Change

A special resolution will be presented at the AGM. The text is as follows:

1) That Section 5.5 “Nominations of Directors” of the Bylaws of the Victoria Downtown Residents Association, which reads as follows:

Nominations of Directors

5.5 Only Voting Members of the Association shall be allowed to be Members of the Board.

be deleted and replaced with the following:

Nominations of Directors

5.5.1 A person must be a Member of the Association in order to be nominated for election as a Director of the Board.

5.5.2 A maximum of three Non-Voting Members may be elected as Directors of the Board at any time, which number includes any Non-Voting Members that may be appointed as Directors under 5.7, and providing that at all times the majority of the Directors of the Board shall be Voting Members.

5.5.3 If the number of Non-Voting nominated exceeds the permissible number set in 5.5.2

(a) only the permissible number of Non-Voting Directors may be elected, even if a Non-Voting nominee receives more votes than a Voting Member nominee, and

(b) the permissible number of Non-Voting nominee(s) who receive the most votes will be declared elected.

2) That the amended Constitution and Bylaws of the Association be registered in accordance with the Societies Act, SBC 2015, c. 18.

The effect of the proposed by-law change is to allow a limited number of Non-Voting Members (those who do not reside in the Downtown Neighbourhood) to stand for election as a Director, while providing that the majority of the Directors of the Board shall be Voting Members (who do reside in the Downtown Neighbourhood).

The intent of the proposed by-law change is to allow for broader Board diversity, while retaining the nature of the Association as representing the interests of those persons who actually reside in the Downtown Neighbourhood.

The full text of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association is available on the Association’s website at:


Call For New Board Members

Help bring life to the core by becoming a Board Member of the DRA. Board members are asked to commit to attend the monthly two-hours meetings and are invited to get involved in other DRA activities. Anyone who is interested is asked to send an expression of interest to You can learn more about the DRA on our website -

Our guest speaker:

Joaquin Karakas, Senior Urban Designer, City of Victoria

Project Lead, Government Street Refresh process

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Victoria Downtown Residents Association

c/o 300-722 Cormorant Street

Victoria, British Columbia

Canada V8W 1P8

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Territorial Acknowledgement

Downtown Victoria is located on the homelands of the Lekwungen (Ləkʷəŋən) People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.

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