Since the last submission of the DRA Land Use Committee in September 2019, the applicant has made some minor design alterations, but the application remains essentially as before and the concerns raised in the previous letter remain valid. Staff reports have since been issued that recommend approval for this application despite its lack of compliance with key local and national guiding documents specifically referenced as applicable design guidelines in the Official Community Plan (OCP).
This project will be going to a public hearing at Victoria City Council on July 29. Council does owe the greater community respect for the requirements of its core planning documents and equity for all of those other applicants who continue to diligently and happily abide by them. We trust that Council will not be influenced by the suggestion that this proposal represents a ‘balanced’ approach to such an important site and instead recognize that the gross lack of compliance with our national and local standards required by the OCP for such historically important buildings should not be facilitated by our elected leaders.
Click below to download and read the full letter, to which the National Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Historic Places in Canada are appended.
