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Letter to Council: Support for Bylaw Amendments – Cannabis Storefront Retail

1715 Government Street Victoria, BC V8W 1Z4

Mayor Lisa Helps and Council City of Victoria No.1 Centennial Square Victoria, BC V8W 1P6

June 29th 2017

Re: Support for Bylaw Amendments ‐ Cannabis Storefront Retail

Dear Mayor Helps and Council

On June 20th 2017 the Board of the DRA unanimously passed a resolution to express support for and agreement with the Cannabis Storefront Recommendations put forward by the North Park Neighbourhood Association in their letter dated June 15th 2017.

The DRA has expressed similar concerns and recommends amendment of this bylaw as proposed by NPNA including the reassessment of the current proximity distance. The motion put forward by Councillors Lucas and Thornton‐Joe to amend this distance to 400 meters will address a major concern and has the full support of the DRA.

We also commend council for declining an application that was within the 200 metre limit from the Chinese Public School. We trust that Council will also move forward in a timely fashion with enforcement against unlicensed or noncompliant establishments.


Ian Sutherland On Behalf of the Board of Directors

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