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Participants Wanted! Rainwater Management Case Study

The City of Victoria recently sent the following message to the Downtown Residents Association to share with its members:


As you may know, the City of Victoria recently hosted engagement sessions to gather feedback about the stormwater utility and the rainwater management credit program.  To view a summary of the engagement feedback, please visit:

The City of Victoria is now moving forward with several recommendations from the engagement.  The first decision was to change the implementation timeline from 2014 to 2015.  The second decision flowing from the feedback is to develop case studies relating to rainwater management in Victoria.  We are now seeking properties that could be assessed in these case studies. 

We ask that you please forward this request to your membership.

The City will be creating case studies that will investigate the costs, benefits, barriers and challenges with retrofitting existing properties with rainwater management methods included in the proposed credit program, such as rain gardens, cisterns, green roofs and infiltration chambers.  The information generated from the case studies will be used to provide property owners with information to assess the feasibility of using the practices on their site.  A range of types and sizes of properties will be assessed, including single family residential, multi-family residential, civic, institutional, commercial and industrial.  We are seeking approximately 20 representative properties within the City of Victoria.

This is a conceptual exercise only, and no work will be expected to be done to properties.  The property owner will be required to allow a consultant brief access to the property to assess site conditions and the building structure.  The information gathered will be used in City educational materials, and photos and information about the property may be included in these public documents.  Addresses and owner names will be kept confidential.  A copy of the detailed report will be provided to the owner. 

If you have suggestions of properties to consider including in the case studies, please respond to by March 17 with the following information:

  1. Property contact:  Name, email and phone number

  2. Address

  3. Year constructed

  4. Size of building, size of lot

  5. Any particular concerns about implementing rainwater management practices on the site

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Adam Steele

Stormwater Management Specialist


Brianne Czypyha

Stormwater Management Specialist

Underground Utilities

Engineering & Public Works Department

City of Victoria

Phone: 250.361.0443

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Victoria Downtown Residents Association

c/o 300-722 Cormorant Street

Victoria, British Columbia

Canada V8W 1P8

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Downtown Victoria is located on the homelands of the Lekwungen (Ləkʷəŋən) People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.

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