A menstruator's map to caring for the mind and body all month long
Join Herbal Therapist and Menstrual Educator Kate Giesbrecht (birchavenue.co) as she demystifies and breaks down the different phases of the menstrual cycle and shares about the ways that fluctuating hormones can impact day-to-day life. Learn about the cyclical changes to brain chemistry, energy levels, nutritional needs and how to optimize wellbeing through cycle tracking and cycle syncing. Hear about (and taste!) some of Kate's favourite herbal allies, nutritional tips and lifestyle advice for smooth cycling. This is the health class you wish you'd had, but never got.
All bodies and genders are welcome at this free workshop, taking place at theDock (722 Cormorant, 3rd Floor) on Thursday, January 26th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Find out more and register for your free ticket at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/self-care-throughout-the-cycle-tickets-484062843997.
Space for this workshop is limited, so please only register if you are sure that you will be able to attend.
