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Welcome to Downtown Victoria. Downtown Victoria is a vibrant community that has a lot going on and a lot to offer. To help make living here fun and easy, browse through some Victoria based resources to make your living experience in the downtown the best it can be!
Emergency Preparedness
Did you know, Victoria is in an earthquake and tsunami zone? With ongoing climate change, natural disasters are going to increase in frequency. It is important to be prepared with at home supplies and to stay informed.
Victoria Law Enforcement
The City of Victoria makes it easy to report a non-emergency crime, traffic complaint or bylaw violation online. Keep downtown safe and vibrant by utilizing these online resources.
Victoria's Unhoused Community
The DRA recognizes that unhoused people living in the downtown are members of our community and neighbourhood. We and our community are working to grow our understanding and empathy towards all residents of the downtown. Here are a few resources to guide your journey of understanding.
Lending Hubs
Did you know Victoria has lending hubs? Many who living in downtown dwell in small spaces that make it difficult to accumulate supplies. Here are a few resources to gain access to supplies.
Graffiti In The Downtown
Graffiti is an expensive and defacing form of vandalism that affects business owners, residents and visitors. Since 2005 the Downtown Victoria Business Association has removed 73,000 tags in the downtown. Here are a few resources to address graffiti in the downtown, including how to report and get graffiti cleaned up.
Contact DVBA Clean Team to remove: 250-386-2238
Graffiti In Progress: Call 911
Graffiti On Your Property: 250-995-7654 (Police non-emergency)
Graffiti On Private Property: 250-361-0215 (Bylaw Complaints)
Graffiti On Public Property: 250-361-0466 (City of Victoria Graffiti Hotline)
Graffiti On BC Hydro Boxes or Pole: 1-800-224-9376
Graffiti On Canada Post Boxes: 1-866-607-6301
Graffiti in City of Victoria Parks: 250-361-0600
Graffiti On Bus Shelters: 250-413-3212
Victoria Newcomers
Downtown Victoria strives to be a welcoming and inclusive City where everyone feels like they belong. There are a number of organizations that provide services and programming to connect new residents.
Victoria Women's Newcomers Club
Information for Tenants
Over 60% downtown residents are renters and tenants in condo or apartment buildings. Here are a few resources for Victoria tenants and landlords.
Victoria Volunteer Opportunities
New to the neighbourhood and want to get involved? Victoria has lots of organizations to help contribute to the community. To access a list of organizations looking for volunteers visit “Volunteer Victoria.” You can also sign up to volunteer with us.